Sunday, 13 January 2013

Largest Tiger Shark

Largest Tiger Shark Biography

Sadly, Shark Week 2011 is drawing to a close. Now, the good news is that we won’t have to see any more of those dumb commercials with Andy Samberg. (Hey, I love the guy, but the commercials are not funny). The bad news? Obviously, no more sharks. Thankfully, I’ve come up with the perfect remedy for post-shark week tristesse, an electronic panacea to help us bide the time until Shark Week 2012. It’s a list of some of the biggest sharks ever caught. Yep, I’ve scoured the internet to find 9 of the greatest trophies ever captured in the world of extreme sport fishing. All you have to do it bookmark this page, then, whenever you feel that emptiness in your soul that only awesome sharks can fill, click on the link and have another look.

Anatomy and appearance

Juvenile tiger shark in the Bahamas
One of the largest sharks living today, the tiger shark commonly attains a length of 3–4.2 m (9.8–13.8 ft) and weighs around 385–635 kg (850–1,400 lb).[6] Sometimes, an exceptionally large male tiger shark can grow up to 4.5 m (15 ft). Females are larger, and exceptionally big ones can reportedly measure over 5 m (16 ft). While on average smaller and, due to a more streamlined, slender build, typically weighing less, the largest tiger sharks can rival great white shark in length.[4] According to FishBase, the tiger shark can grow up to 7.5 m (25 ft) in length and 807.4 kg (1,780 lb) in weight.[3] Per Guinness World Records, one female specimen caught off Australia reportedly measured 5.5 m (18 ft) long and weighed an exceptional 1,524 kg (3,360 lb), although her weight is thought to have boasted by her gravid state at the time.[9] A female caught in 1957 reportedly measured 7.4 m (24 ft) and weighing 3,110 kg (6,900 lb), although this very outsized shark is not known to have been confirmed.[10]

Largest Tiger Shark
Largest Tiger Shark
Largest Tiger Shark
Largest Tiger Shark
Largest Tiger Shark
Largest Tiger Shark
Largest Tiger Shark
Largest Tiger Shark
Largest Tiger Shark
Largest Tiger Shark
Largest Tiger Shark

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